A safe, inspirational, age appropriate, engaging (without over-stimulating) streaming service for children ages 3-11, Bottlesodes TV is the Mister Rogers Neighborhood of the 21st century! Because we care about what happens AFTER screen time just as much as what happens DURING screen time, our wholesome content is designed to inspire children to learn more about or emulate what they watched, thus promoting independence, creativity, social and emotional well being, and exploratory curiosity about the world around them. They'll get back to doing what children are meant to do: PLAY!
$5 a month or $47 a year
after 14-day free trial
Watch from anywhere!
Available through any internet browser. Currently in the beta testing phase.
Customized apps coming soon!
Connect with us!
We're Joe and Bethany, the creators of BTV and parents of two. We're happy to answer any questions you have!
[email protected]
Check out our BTV Blog & Social Media pages for inspiring, mindful resources for adults!